Friday, June 17, 2011

About Hyster Fashion Girl

Okay, ladies:
It’s week 5 post-op, so I am approaching the dreaded day of returning back to work.  In the past 4 weeks,  I’ve spent time on the most wonderful site ( reading and learning about all of our recovery experiences, and I have been so grateful in having you all share your stories.  Now, that week 6 is almost here, I am starting to worry about what to wear for work! 
I’m 30-ish years old, a pharmaceutical rep, that drives around all day to doctors’ offices, so I used to wear pantsuits, fitting suit dresses and cute sundresses.  I’m 5’0” and formerly a size 2 (pre-op).  Doesn’t matter what size you used to be Pre-op.  Most hysterectomy patients will have a larger tummy due to the operation, and lack of activity afterwards.  Now, if any of you are like me, I refuse to wear any of my old work clothes with my new “swelly belly.”  The other day, I tried on one of my cute work dresses, and it zipped up, but my belly was just saying a big hello from the side view.  Yikes.  I’m going to be realistic and assume that I probably won’t go back to a size 2 for a while, so instead of getting depressed over not being my former tiny self, I’m just going to move on, and shop for new (and hopefully affordable) larger clothes that allow my body to recover through the inital work days.
So now that I still have tons of free time to browse the internet during my disability, I’m hunting online for dresses (no pants!) for Southern California summer heat, that are forgiving for the pouch that is my new companion, the Swelly Belly.  Since posting links on the wonderful Hyster Sister forum is breaking their rules, I am dedicating this blog to my sisters and anyone else who is interested, to my fashion finds. There were no other threads or sites that were dedicated to finding work clothes for women with post surgical issues. One of the most important things for me, is to create some normalcy when returning to the "real world" and work.  I'll need all the help I can get to make me feel normal those first few days back at work.  Or at least to help me feel pretty.  One less thing to worry about, so I can focus on getting stronger.  Hope these help you out as well.  Remember to wear your supportive undergarments!

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